by Ben Lewis | Feb 3, 2021 | Dental Insurance
Almost everyone has teeth, hopefully, and most of us need to have ours worked on periodically. For those with naturally beautiful smiles, strong healthy teeth, and no hereditary dental issues, this can be a simple matter of keeping up on bi-annual check-ups. For most... by Ben Lewis | Dec 15, 2020 | Dental Insurance
Not everyone needs glasses. And, while almost everyone will go to a doctor at some point in their lives, if they’re younger and healthy, even that can be a rare thing. But, in an ideal world, everyone goes to a dentist at least twice a year, which is why we’ve... by Ben Lewis | Jun 18, 2020 | Dental Insurance, Health Insurance
With the costs of health insurance seemingly out of reach for so many people today, the thought of acquiring dental insurance on top of it can be a bit overwhelming. However, there are affordable dental insurance and discount options. Perhaps the simplest option is to...