Few small businesses have the problem of too much revenue or excessive amounts of cash reserves. In fact, most smaller enterprises must watch every penny, as they say. With smaller budgets and the need to constantly juggle or offset increasingly rising costs, any...
With the current state of “unofficial” recession and rising fuel costs, just “getting by” is costing more. And to add to that costly mix, a housing sales and rental market that has yet to significantly see pricing decreases mean that saving money is high on most...
If you’re a small business owner and you’ve been looking at small group health insurance options, you already know that deciding can be challenging. There are at least half a dozen plan types to consider, several insurance providers that offer small group coverage,...
It probably goes without saying that most small business owners want to do all they can for their employees. This is true for several reasons, but the overriding incentive for owners, of course, is to retain and attract good employees. Despite the common, often...
While not all businesses are required to offer medical insurance coverage to their employees, in an ideal world, every business would do so. Having said that, the reality is that very small businesses, such as those with less than 10 employees, for example, may be...